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Thursday 27 July 2017

Posted by Indra agrawal in | July 27, 2017 No comments
Best Happy Independence Day Speech For Students and Teachers: Are you searching for Happy independence day speech for students and teachers. Than you are at right post here you will get speech on independence day in Hindi English.

Independence Day Speech For Students In English

A very warm good morning to the respected teachers and my dear friends gathered here. Today we are gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion of Independence day on 15th of August. We celebrate this day with lots of enthusiasm and joy every year because our country got freedom at this day in 1947 from the British rule. We are here to celebrate nth number of independence day. It is great and most significant day for all Indians. People of India had suffered cruel behavior of Britishers for many years. Today we have freedom in almost all fields such as education, sports, transportation, business, etc just because of the years of struggle of our forefathers. Before 1947, people were not so free even they were restricted to have rights on their own body and mind. They were slave of Britishers and forced to follow all the orders of them. Today we are free to do anything because of the great Indian leaders who struggled hard for many years to get freedom against British rule.

Independence day is celebrated all over India with much pleasure. This day is of great importance to all Indian citizens as it gives us opportunity to remember all those freedom fighters who had sacrificed their lives just for giving us a beautiful and peaceful life. Earlier to the independence, people were not allowed to get education, eat healthy food and live normal life like us. We should be grateful to those events responsible for the freedom in India. Indians were treated more badly than slaves by the Britishers just to fulfill their meaningless orders.

Some of the great freedom fighters of India are Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhiji, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpath Ray, Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose and Chandra Sekhar Azad. They were famous patriots who struggled hard for the freedom of India till the end of their life. We cannot imagine that horrible moment struggled by our forefathers. Now, after many years of independence our country is on the right track of development. Today our country is a well established democratic country all over the world. Gandhiji was great leader who taught us about effective way of freedom like ahimsa and sathyagraha methods. Gandhi dreamed of an independent India with the non violence and peace.

India is our mother country and we are its citizens. We should always be ready to save it from the bad people. It is our responsibility to lead our country ahead and make it a best country of the world.

Jai Hind.

Independence Day Speech For Teachers

"Respected Principal sir,
loving students and Jai Hind to all my country person.
Today is independence day and we are gathered here to remember our freedom fighters and who contribute to making India our country free from British force.

We are too lucky that we are freedom, our ancient people were not freedom, they are ruled by English, but they took a vow to make our country free and they did.

They leave a beautiful country for us, they did not care about their life for our future. So that we have to salute all those great people. And today we all, also have to take a vow to make our country corruption free. Took a vow that you will make the future of India, so bright."

Due to the low amount of time, I am going to end my speech, but in last I will say, My child, take care of my country.

Jai Hind."

Short Speech On Independence Day For School Students

Respected sir, madams, and my brothers,

Today I am feeling proud on the occasion of "Happy independence day", we are celebrating independence day on 15th August, because our India got freedom on 15th August 1947, after a long journey of freedom movements.
We do not have to forget our freedom fighter. I promise I will make them proud in heaven.

Jai Hind!! 

Independence Day Speech For Students In Hindi

मेरे सभी आदरणीय आदरणीय अध्यापकगण, अभिभावको और प्यारे मित्रों को सुबह का प्रणाम (नमस्कार)। इस महान राष्ट्रीय अवसर को मनाने के लिये आज हम लोग यहाँ इकठ्ठा हुए है। मैं आप सभी को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक बधाई देता हूँ।

जैसा कि हम जानते है कि स्वतंत्रता दिवस हम सभी के लिये एक मंगल अवसर है। हम सब इस दिन को इसलिए मनाते है क्योकि 15 अगस्त 1947 को ही हमारा देश आज़ाद हुआ था, और ब्रिटिश राज से हमें मुक्ति मीली थी। आज हम यहाँ 70 वा स्वतंत्रता दिवस मनाने इकठ्ठा हुए है।

आज का दिन सभी भारतीय नागरिकों के लिये बहुत महत्वपूर्ण दिन है। और यह इतिहास में सदा के लिये उल्लिखित हो चुका है।

बड़ी ख़ुशी से हमारे पुरे देश में स्वतंत्रता दिवस मनाया जाता है। यह सभी भारतीयों के लिये बेहद महत्वपूर्ण दिन है क्योंकि यह दिन हमें मौका देता है उन महान स्वतंत्रता सेनानीयों को याद करने का जिन्होंने हमें एक शांतिपूर्ण और खूबसूरत जीवन देने के लिये अपने प्राणों की आहुति दे दी। आजादी से पहले, लोगों को पढ़ने-लिखने की, अच्छा खाने की और हमारी तरह सामान्य जीवन जीने की आज्ञा (Permission) नही थी। अपने अर्थहीन आदेशों की पूर्ति के लिये अंग्रेजों द्वारा भारतीयों के साथ गुलामों से भी ज्यादा बुरा बर्ताव किया जाता था।

भारत की आजादी के पहले दिन को याद करने के लिये हम हर साल 15 अगस्त को स्वतंत्रता दिवस मनाते है साथ ही साथ उन सभी महान लोगों याद करते है। जिनके कठिन संघर्षों की वजह से हम अपनी आजादी का उपभोग करने लायक बने है और अपनी इच्छा से खुली हवा में साँस से सकते है।

अंग्रेजों से आजादी पाना हमारे पूर्वजो के लिये बेहद असंभव कार्य था लेकिन हमारे पूर्वजो ने लगातार प्रयास करके इसे प्राप्त कर लिया। हम उनके किये कार्य को कभी भूल नहीं सकते और हमेशा उन्हें याद करते रहेंगे। केवल एक दिन में सभी स्वतंत्रता सेनानीयों के कामों को हम याद नहीं कर सकते लेकिन दिल से उन्हें सलामी जरुर दे सकते है। वो हमेशा हमारी यादों में रहेंगे और पूरे जीवन के लिये प्रेरणा का कार्य करेंगे।

आज सभी भारतीयों के लिये बहुत महत्वपूर्ण दिन है जिसको हम महान भारतीय नेताओं के बलिदानों को याद करने के लिये मनाते है, जिन्होंने देश की आजादी और समृद्धि के लिये अपना जीवन दे दिया। भारत की आजादी मुमकिन हो सकी क्योंकि सहयोग, बलिदान और सभी भारतीयों की सहभागिता थी। हमें महत्व और सलामी देनी चाहिये उन सभी भारतीय नागिरकों को क्योंकि वो असली राष्ट्रीय हीरो थे।

भारत के कुछ महान स्वतंत्रता सेनानीयो में बाल गंगाधर तिलक, महात्मा गांधी जी, नेताजी सुभाष चन्द्र बोस, जवाहरलाल नेहरु, खुदीराम बोस, चन्द्रशेखर आजाद, भगत सिंह, लाला लाजपत राय इत्यादि। ये सभी प्रसिद्ध देशभक्त थे जिन्होंने अपने जीवन के अंत तक भारत की आजादी के लिये कड़ा संघर्ष किया। हम लोग हमारे पूर्वजों द्वारा किये गए संघर्ष के उन डरावने पलों की कल्पना भी नहीं कर सकते। आजादी के इतने वर्षों बाद भी आज हमारा देश विकास के सही राह पर है। आज हमारा देश पूरी दुनिया में लोकतांत्रिक देश के रुप में अच्छे से स्थापित है।

गांधीजी एक महान नेता थे जिन्होंने अहिंसा और सत्याग्रह जैसे आजादी के असरदार तरीकों के बारे में हमें बताया। अहिंसा और शांति के साथ स्वतंत्र भारत के सपने को गाँधीजी ने ही देखा था।

भारत ही हमारी मातृभूमि है और हम आज़ाद भारत के आज़ाद नागरिक है। हमें हमेशा बुरे लोगो से अपने देश की रक्षा करते रहनी चाहिये। ये हमारी जिम्मेदारी है कि हम अपने देश को आगे की ओर ले जाये और इसे दुनिया का सबसे अच्छा देश बनाये।

आप सभी को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाये, आशा करते है की हमारा देश हर साल हर क्षेत्र में विकास करता रहे ताकि पूरी दुनियाँ को हमपर एक दिन गर्व हो।

जय हिन्द, जय भारत

Independence Day Speech In English For College Students

"Respected Teachers, brothers and sisters, Today is 71st Independence day. It is a proud moment for me, that today I am here on the stage on the occasion of great independence day. So here I am going to start my independence day. There are many have to give their speech on independence day, so I have less time. I will try to deliver best in this limit time.

Our country got freedom on 1947, from 1947 to 2017 we have travelled a long journey. Now we are in developing country. So that we all have to proud to be Indian. And on this Independence day, we should take a vow to make our country a developed country.

Our freedom does not come in free, there are many freedom fighters have to die, many have to give their life, there are a lot of people have given their lives to our country. We should not forget about them also. For our independence many wives had to lose their husband, many mothers lost their piece of hearts, many fathers lost their son and many sisters had lost their brother.

So we should remember everything, and always we have to be so keen and so honest to our country.

Thank you.

Jai Hind!!! Jai Bharat!!

Final Words On Speech on Independence Day: This is our collection of happy independence day speech and speech of independence day. We hope you all like it.
Thank You for reading.

Happy Independence Day...!!!

Sunday 23 July 2017

Posted by Indra agrawal in | July 23, 2017 No comments
Do You Know The History Of Independence Day: Today we are sharing the independence day history here. If you don't know about the history than keep reading this post.

August 15, 1947, a red-letter day for the Indians, is celebrated with great fanfare and show, over the period and breadth of India. This day, which really is a national trip, is focused on all those daring independence fighters who fetched India her credited value and the much desired self-reliance from the British isles guideline. People in the India honor them, for reducing their lives for the liberty with their motherland. This day is celebrated by hoisting nationwide flag, traveling kites and arranging ethnical activities in educational corporations. If you wish to know about the annals of Freedom Day, then feel the following lines. 

Independence Day History

Prior to the 18th hundred years, India's connection with the Western had been mostly trade-related. All of this evolved, when the causes of the East India Company defeated Siraj-ud-Daulah, the Nawab of Calcutta. That signaled the entrance of the United kingdom as rulers. Before Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, the East India Company, with the Governor Basic as its brain, ruled the subcontinent. From then on, the Crown overran the supervision, with the Viceroy offered as its agent. Inside the 20th century, the united states witnessed the surge of many market leaders such as Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Jawaharlal Nehru and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Banded under the management of Mahatma Gandhi and his doctrine of non-violence, the flexibility struggle moved in advance with new vigor. Milestones like the Quit India Movements, Non-Cooperation Movements, Khilafat Motion and Gandhi's Dandi March helped bring the inevitable independence closer. With the heart stroke of midnight, as India transferred into August 15, 1947, India's first Leading Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, read aloud the decisive talk, proclaiming India's self-reliance from the Uk Empire. As soon as ended three hundreds of years of British guideline over India. The land was no more the summertime retreat of United kingdom sahibs, who sneaked in to the country to fancy spices, shikar, elephants and snake-charmers, and finally ended up obtaining a stranglehold over the country and torturing the natives atlanta divorce attorneys possible way. Freedom Day remained the only real national happening until India announced itself a republic in 1950. Freedom was also the finish of almost a hundred years of have difficulties for freedom, fights, betrayals and sacrifices. In addition, it created a predicament, where we were in charge of ourselves. However, it wasn't an interval of unqualified pleasure. For many individuals, regardless of a new period promised by freedom, partition between India and Pakistan was an agonizing reality therefore was the bloodshed that supported it. That was six ages previously. Much has transformed over time - today the flexibility struggle sees its place ever sold catalogs and memoirs, and on the tombstones of valiant martyrs. Politics has undergone a personality differ from fiery idealism to a pragmatic cynicism. Karma drives the country coming forward, and populace has crossed the billion symbol. Nonetheless, come August 15 and you'll find individuals forgetting the drudgery of day-to-day life for some time, and coming mutually to pay homage to the courageous heroes of the independence struggle and taking a stand for the Country wide Anthem. Combined with the soaring cadences of the anthem, the desires and dreams for an improved tomorrow are restored in politics speeches and replays of the deeds of these, who gained us our flexibility. Independence Day can be an occasion to rejoice inside our freedom also to pay collective homage to all or any those individuals, who sacrificed their lives to the reason. Your day also represents the coming alongside one another of the areas into one country - India. This is probably our biggest diplomatic success.

Final Words: We hope now you know all the history of Independence day. Don't forget to check our other posts also.
 Thank You..

Happy Independence Day...!!!

Saturday 22 July 2017

Posted by Indra agrawal in | July 22, 2017 No comments
Best 50+ Happy Independence Day Status: Today we are sharing here the best Independence Day Status In Hindi, Independence Day Status In Marathi, Independence Day Status For Facebook and Indian Whatsapp Status Hindi. So keep reading this post and get all the best status for Independence Day.

Independence Day Status In Hindi

 1. दे सलामी इस तिरंगे को जिस से तेरी शान हैं, सर हमेशा ऊँचा रखना इसका.. जब तक दिल में जान हैं..!! 
 Jai Hindi, Jai Bharat

2. गंगा यमुना यहाँ नर्मदा, मंदिर मस्जिद के संग गिरजा, शांति प्रेम की देता शिक्षा, मेरा भारत सदा सर्वदा..!!

3. जाने कितने झूले थे फासी पर, कितनो गोली खायी थी क्यु झुठ बोलते हो साहब, कि चरखे से आजादी आयी थी

4. मैं देश भक्ति हूँ... साल में 2 बार आती हूँ.

5. बेबी को बेस पसन्द हैं, सलमान को केस पसन्द हैं, मोदी को विदेश पसन्द हैं, और मुझे मेरा देश पसंद हैं !! HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY

6. जिन की पत्नी वेकेशन करने मायके चली गई है, वो स्टेटस पर तिरंगा लगा कर अपनी आज़ादी का ऐलान कर सकते हैं..!! 

7. अब तक जिसका खून न खौला,वो खून नहीं वो पानी है जो देश के काम ना आये, वो बेकार जवानी है, 15 अगस्त स्वतंत्रता दिवस की बधाई

8. न सर झुका है कभी.. और न झुकायेंगे कभी, जो अपने दम पे जियें...सच में ज़िन्दगी है वही. जिओ सच्चे भारतीय बन कर..15 अगस्त स्वतंत्रता दिवस की बधाई..

9. चड़ गये जो हंसकर सूली, खाई जिन्होने सीने पर गोली, हम उनको प्रणाम करते हैं, जो मिट गये देश पर. हम उनको सलाम करते हैं..स्वतंत्रता दिवस की बधाई

10. आओ देश का सम्मान करें, शहीदों की शहादत को याद करें, एक बार फिर से राष्ट्र की कमान, हम हिन्दुस्तानी अपने हाथ धरे, आओ स्वंतंत्र दिवस का सम्मान करें!

11. अगर 16 अगस्त को झंडे सम्हाल के रखने की औकात ना हो तो 15 अगस्त को झंडे खरीद के अपनी मौसमी देशभक्ति का प्रदर्शन ना करें । शब्द कड़वे जरूर हैं पर नीयत साफ है, भारत माता की जय 

12. ना सरकार मेरी है ! ना रौब मेरा है ! ना बड़ा सा नाम मेरा है ! मुझे तो एक छोटी सी बात का गौरव है , मै “हिन्दुस्तान” का हूँ…. और “हिन्दुस्तान” मेरा है…जय हिन्द
13.  दूध मांगोगे तो खीर देंगे… कश्मीर मांगोगे तो चीर देंगे। स्वतंत्र दिवस मुबारक हो!
14. घर वाला घर नहीं… हम में किसी का डर नहीं..और कुत्ते को शर्म नहीं…

15. लंदन देखा पेरिस देखा और देखा जापान , सरे जग में कहीं नहीं है दूसरा हिन्दुस्तान..  

Independence Day Status In Marathi

1. तीन रंग प्रतिभेचे
नारंगी, पांढरा अन् हिरवा
रंगले न जाणे किती रक्ताने
तरी फडकतो नव्या उत्साहाने

2. वन्दे मातरम!
सुजलाम सुफलाम, मलयज शीतलाम,
शस्यश्यामलाम, मातरम!
शुभ्रज्योत्स्ना पुलाकितायामिनिम,
फुल्लाकुसुमिता द्रुमदला शोभिनीम,
सुहासीनीम, सुमधुर भाषिणीम,
सुखदम, वरदाम, मातरम!

3. निशाण फडकत राही
निशाण झळकत राही
देशभक्तीचे गीत आमुचे
दुनियेत निनादत राही

4. वैभवी देश चढवीन, सर्वस्व त्यास अर्पीन
तिमीर घोर संहारीन, या बंधु सहाय्याला हो
बलसागर भारत होवो, विश्वात शोभुनी राहो

5. उत्सव तीन रंगांचा
आभाळी आज सजला
नतमस्तक मी त्या सर्वांसाठी
ज्यांनी भार देश घडविला
भारत देशाला मानाचा मुजरा

6. स्वातंत्र्यासाठी ध्वज फडकते
सूर्य तळपतो प्रगतीचा
भारतभूच्या पराक्रमाला
मुजरा महाराष्ट्राचा !!

7. हे राष्ट्र देवतांचे, हे राष्ट्र प्रेषितांचे
आचंद्रसूर्य नांदो स्वातंत्र्य भारताचे

8. जयोऽस्तु ते! जयोऽस्तु ते!
श्री महन्मंगले शिवास्पदे शुभदे
स्वतंत्रते भगवती त्वामहम् यशोयुतां वंदे!

Independence Day Status For Facebook

1. Freedom in the Mind, Faith in the words.. Pride in our Souls.. Lets salute the Nation.. Our Independence Day

2. It is day to pay salute to all those who became the reason of this land. Happy Independence.

3. Happy Independence Day I'm Proud To Be A INDIAN.. Where At Least I Know.. I'm Free..

4. On the glorious day of Independence Day Here's wishing your life will be blessed with peace and happiness. Wish you a Happy Independence Day.

5. May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country! Happy Independence Day. hi watan ko mehbub bna kr deko Tujh pe marega har koy!!!! Jai Ho India 

6. True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what's right.

7. The price for independence is often isolation and solitude.

8. Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.

9. May The Sun In His Course Visit No Land More Free, More Happy, More LOVELY, than this our own country! Happy Independence Day.

10. It is day to pay salute to all those who became the reason of this land. Happy Independence.

11. Freedom was taken by the blood that was given. Happy Independence Day..

12. Democracy is the government of the people, by the people, for the people.

13. Fear is the foundation of most governments.

14. Keep India green & clean!! Let us make this our National Motto Happy Independence Day

15. May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country!

16. Our life is full of colours.. Our life is full of Colors.. I hope this 15th August will.. add more colors to your life.

17. True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else.

18. Economic independence is the foundation of the only sort of freedom worth a damn.

19. Without moral and intellectual independence, there is no anchor for national independence.

20. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man's initiative and independence.

21. Thousands laid down there lives so that our country breath this day.. Never forget there sacrifice.. Happy Independence day.

22. Independence Day is a good time to examine who we are and how we got here. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY.

23. Let freedom never perish in your hands.

24. In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved.

25. Freedom is nothing but a chance to be better.

26. Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have.

27. Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.

28. In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed, it must be achieved.

29. Liberty is the breath of life to nations..
30. I prefer liberty with danger to peace with slavery.

Indian Whatsapp Status Hindi

1. Na poocho jamane ko, ki kya humari kahani hain,
Humari pehchaan to sirf ye h ki hum Hindustani h
2. Ye mat puchho ki vatan ne tumhein kya diya h,
ye puchho ki tumne vatan ke liye kya kiya hai ?
3. Ishq toh karta hain har koyi Mehboob pe marta hain har koyi, Kbhi watan ko mehbub bna kr deko Tujh pe marega har koy!!!! Jai Ho India
4. Sarfaroshi ki tamanna ab hamare dil me hai,
Dekhna hain jor kitna, baju-e-qatil mein hain
5. Jo log dusro ko azadi nhi dete, unhe khud b iska hak nhi hota

Final Words:  Please share this collection with your family and friends. If you like our collection of best 50+ Happy Independence Day Status.
Thank You..!!

Happy Independence Day...!!!

Friday 21 July 2017

Posted by Indra agrawal in | July 21, 2017 1 comment
Best 25+ Happy Independence Day Wishes:Wish your friends Happy Independence Day with our best collection of Independence day wishes messages and Happy Independence Day Messages In English and Hindi.

Independence Day Wishes Messages

1. Sarfaroshi ki Tamanna ab Hamare Dil Main Hai
Dekhna Hai Jor Kitna Bajoo a Katil Main Hai.

2. Aye mere pyare watan,
Aye mere bichhade chaman Tujhpe dil kubran.
Tu hee meree aaraju,
Tu hee meree aabaru,
Tu hee meree jan.
Jai Hind

3. Nahi sirf jashn manana,
Nahi sirf jhande lehrana,
Yeh kaafi nahi hai watanparasti,
Yadon ko nahi bhulana,
Jo qurbaan hue,
Unke lafzon ko aage badhana,
Zindagi want ke liye lutana.

4. Aao desh ka samman kare
Shahido ki shahadat yaad kare Aao..
Swantantra diwas kaa maan kare.
Vande Mataram

5. Halki si dhoop ki barsat ke baad,
thodi si khushi ki her baat ke baad,
Isi tarah mubarak ho aap ko,
Jashan-e-azadi ka din

6. Main Bharteey hoon aur mujhe
apne Bharteey hone par garv hai!
Swatantrta diwas ki is paavan bela par
aap sabko hardik shubhkamnayen!

7. Anekta me ekta aur
Vividhta me samaanta
Yahi hamaari shaan hai,
Isiliye to mera desh
Swatantrta diwas ki hardik shubhkamnayen!

8. Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isaayi
Aapas me hain bhai- bhai,
Isi bhawna ko dilon me lekar
Apna swatanrta diwas manayen
Aur hum bas BHARTEEY kehlaayen
Swatantrta diwas ki shubhkamnayen!

9. 31 Rajya,
1618 Bhashaayen,
6 Dharm,
6400 Jaatiyan,
6 Jaati samuh
29 Mukhy Tyohaar
aur 1 desh!
Mujhe apne Bharteey hone par garv hai!..
Swatantrta diwas ki shubhkamnayen!

Happy Independence Day Wishes In English

1. Celebrate the free spirit of India.
May this Independence Day Fills your life happiness and prosperity.
Happy Independence Day.

2. Feel the pride of being the part of such a glorious nation.
Here's sending my warm patriotic wishes to make this day truly memorable.

3. We belong to India a nation of pride Have a great Independence Day.

4. Feel Proud to be an Indian Have a Great Independence Day.

5. Our life is full of Colors.
I hope this 15th August will add more colors to your life.
Happy Independence Day

6. Thousands laid down their lives so that
Our country can celebrate this day
Never forget their sacrifices..
Happy Independence Day!

7. Let's Take Decision
To Value Our Nation
Won't Forget Those Sacrifices,
Who Gave Us Freedom
Happy independence day

8. On Independence Day
Here's wising your dreams of a New tomorrow come true...
Now and Always Happy Independence Day to you.

9. Independence is a Precious gift of God.
May We Always Remain Independent .
A Very Happy Independence Day To You.

10. Happy happy independence day to all
Freedom in the Mind,
Faith in the words..
Pride in our Souls..
Lets salute the Nation on Independence Day!

11. As We Celebrate On This Day
Remember That No Nation Is Perfect
It Needs To Be Made Perfect
Happy Independence Day
Proud to be an Indian

12. May the Indian tricolor
Always fly high…
Warm wishes on…
The grand occasion of Independence Day

13. Always keep the spirit of Patriotism
Glowing within you
Proud to be INDIAN.

14. Let's salute the martyrs
For the sacrifices they made
And thank them
For giving us our today.

15. Let's pay homage to all the great souls
Who laid their life for their country
Feel proud to be and Indian.

Independence Day Messages In Hindi

1. चढ़ गये जो हंसकर सूली,
खाई जिन्होने सीने पर गोली,
हम उनको प्रणाम करते हैं!
जो मिट गये देश पर,
हम सब उनको सलाम करते हैं!
स्वतंत्रता दिवस की बधाई!

2. नफरत बुरी है, न पालो इसे,
दिलो में ख़लिश है, निकालो इसे,
न तेरा, न मेरा, न इसका, न उसका,
ये सबका वतन है, संभालों इसे!
स्वतंत्रता दिवस की बधाई!

3. संस्कार और संस्कृति की शान मिले ऐसे,
हिन्दू मुस्लिम और हिंदुस्तान मिले ऐसे
हम मिलजुल के रहे ऐसे कि
मंदिर में अल्लाह और मस्जिद में राम मिले जैसे.

4. आप सभी देशवासियों को स्वतन्त्रता दिवस की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं..
आइए आज से हम सब संकल्प लेते हैं,
भारत देश को भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त खुशहाल देश बनायेंगे...जय हिन्द,जय भारत.

Final Words: We hope you all like our collection of Happy Independence Day Messages. Please Share it with your friends and family.
Thank You.!

Happy Independence Day...!!!

Wednesday 19 July 2017

Posted by Indra agrawal in | July 19, 2017 1 comment
15+ Best Happy Independence Day Messages: Let's feel the feeling of freedom with these Independence Day Messages, Independence Day Message Quotes and Independence Day Messages in Hindi. 

Independence Day Messages

1.  “For some days, people thought that India was shaking. But there are always tremors when a great tree falls.” – Rajiv Gandhi

 2. “Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge… At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom.” – Jawaharlal Nehru

3. Let’s remember all past heroes who fought for our freedom and unity. –Unknown

4.We have demonstrated to our colonial masters that we are worthy of the independence.

Happy Independence Day Messages

1. Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection;
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action–
Into that heaven of freedom, my father, let my country awake. – Rabindranath Tagore

2. “Revolution is an inalienable right of mankind. Freedom is an imperishable birth right of all. Labor is the real sustainer of society, the sovereignty of the ultimate destiny of the workers,” – Bhagat Singh
“Every citizen of India must remember that…he is an Indian and he has every right in this country but with certain …duties.” – Sardar Vallabhbhai Jhaverbhai Patel

 3. “Get up, we have no time to lose. Take up your arms! We shall carve our way through the enemy’s ranks, or if God wills, we shall die a martyr’s death. And in our last sleep we shall kiss the road that will bring our Army to Delhi. The road to Delhi is the road to Freedom. Chalo Delhi (March to Delhi).” – Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose

Independence Day Messages Quotes

1. Let’s take decision,
To value of our nation,
Shall not forget the sacrifices
Who gave us the freedom.
Now it’s our turn for a reformation.

2. Let’s Celebrate Freedom by Promoting a
Human rights Culture in which
Respect, dignity and equality
Become a code for living.
This will be our role to
Live up to the dreams of 1947!

3. Dip Yourself in the Color of Your Flag,
Recollect the Stories of Silence and Violence,
Hear Something New from Grandpa’s Memory Bag,
And Drown In The Fights Of Independence!

4. We All Belong To the Blood of Freedom Fighters,
Stand United To Remember Them Today,
For Every Violence, They Quietly Gave Answers,
Remember Then On This Independence Day!

5. Freedom Was Not Gifted To Us,
It Was Snatched By an Unstoppable Fight,
Fighters Painted With Blood on Their Life’s Canvas,
Still They Never Turned Back With Fright! 

Happy Independence Day Messages In Hindi

1. स्वतंत्रता तब तक स्वतंत्रता नहीं जब तक की ये सभी को बराबर अधिकार प्रदान न करे
2. स्वतंत्रता कुछ भी नहीं है इसलिए दिखाई नहीं देती , सिर्फ महसूस की जाती है
3. राष्ट्रीय ध्वज के रंगों को मत देखो , बस केवल इसके पीछे छिपे अर्थ को महसूस करो
4. हम मंगल गृह तक अपनी पहुँच बनाने में सफल हो गए पर अपनी संकीर्ण मानसिकता में आज भी जकड़े हुए है
5. हम आज़ादी पाने के लिए छटपटाते है पर मिलने पर उसका सही अर्थ समझ नहीं पआते

Final Words:  So this is our collection of 15+ Best Happy Independence Day Messages. We hope you all like it and please share it with our friends and family also.

Happy Independence Day...!!!

Monday 17 July 2017

Posted by Indra agrawal in | July 17, 2017 No comments
Top 15+ Happy Independence Day Quotes For Independence Day: Are you looking for Independence day quotes in hindi  or independence day quotes in english, yes than you are at right post. Here you will get all the things you are searching for independence day.

Independence Day Quotes In Hindi

 “जहाँ स्वतंत्रता निवास करती है, वही मेरा देश है।” 
Independence Day Quotes In Hindi by: Benjamin Franklin

“आज़ादी एक उग्र खुराक है और यदि आप इसे अपनी युवावस्था में लेते हो, यह आपके दिमाग पर उसी तरह का प्रभाव डालेंगा जैसा की युवावस्था में शराब करती है। यह कोई मायने नही रखता की इसका स्वाद हमेशा आकर्षक हो। यह एक व्यसन है और एक खुराक लेने के बाद भी आपकी और लेने की इच्छा होंगी।” 
Independence Day Quotes In Hindi by: Maya Angelou

    “यदि आप आज़ादी के आशीर्वाद का अनुभव लेना चाहते है तो आपको देशभक्तों की थकावट को महसूस करना होंगा और उनकी सहायता करनी होंगी।”

    “असल में देखा जाये तो आज़ादी दी नही जाती बल्कि हासिल करनी पड़ती है।”

    “आत्मनिर्भरता वाले इंसान की तरह परस्पर निर्भरता का होना भी बहुत जरुरी है। इंसान भी सामाजिक ही है।” 
Independence Day Quotes In Hindi by: Mahatma Gandhi 

“अपने देश की आज़ादी के लिये मर-मिटना हमारे खून में ही लिखा होता है। हमने बहुत से महान लोगो के बलिदान देकर इस आज़ादी को हासिल किया है और हमें अपनी ताकत के बाल पर ही इस आज़ादी को कायम रखना है।” 
Independence Day Quotes In Hindi by: Subhash Chandra Bose 

“जिस प्रकार पानी की एक बूंद समंदर में मिलकर अपनी पहचान खो देता है उस प्रकार इंसान जिस सोसाइटी में रहता है उसमे रहते हुए अपनी पहचान कभी नही खोता। इंसान की जिंदगी स्वतंत्र है। वह केवल अपने समाज के विकास के लिये पैदा नही हुआ बल्कि खुद का विकास करने के लिये पैदा हुआ है।” 
Independence Day Quotes In Hindi by: B.R. Ambedkar

किसी भी कीमत पर स्वतंत्रता का मोल नहीं किया जा सकता.वह जीवन है.भला जीने के लिए कोई क्या मोल नहीं चुकाएगा?
Independence Day Quotes In Hindi by: महात्मा गाँधी

Independence Day Quotes In English

1. We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made.

2. “At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in history, when we step out from the old to the new…India discovers herself again.”

3. India is, the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, and the great grand mother of tradition. Our most valuable and most instructive materials in the history of man are treasured up in India only.

4. “Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.”

5. Let’s stand up high to show respect for the ones who died for the independence of India.

6. Liberty bells have starting to ring as this it’s time to celebrate happy Independence Day.

7. “You give me your blood and I will give you Independence!”

8. For some days, people thought that India was shaking. But there are always tremors when a great tree falls.

9. “Even if I died in the service of the nation, I would be proud of it. Every drop of my blood… will contribute to the growth of this nation and to make it strong and dynamic.”

10. True independence and freedom can only exist in doing what’s right.

Independence Day Quotes And Sayings

Freedom in the Mind,
Faith in the words..
Pride in our Souls..
Lets salute the Nation on Independence Day!

Wish you a very Happy Independence Day!!!

Final Words: So this is our collection of Top 15+ Independence Day Quotes For Independence Day. If you like this post please share it.

Happy Independence Day...!!!

Sunday 16 July 2017

Posted by Indra agrawal in | July 16, 2017 2 comments
Top 30+ Happy Independence Day Images: If you are searching for independence day images hd, independence day images 2017, happy independence day hd wallpapers and independence day images for whatsapp than you are at right post. Here you get all happy independence day images.

Independence Day Images 2017

Independence Day Images 2017

Independence Day Images 2017

Independence Day Images 2017

Independence Day Images 2017

Independence Day Images 2017

Independence Day Images For Facebook

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Independence Day Images For Whatsapp

Independence Day Images For Whatsapp

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Independence Day Images For Whatsapp

Independence Day Images For Whatsapp

Happy Independence Day HD Wallpapers

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 Happy Independence Day HD Wallpapers

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Independence Day Wallpapers

Independence Day Wallpapers

Independence Day Wallpapers

Independence Day Wallpapers

Independence Day Wallpapers

Independence Day Wallpapers

Final Words: We hope you all like our collection of top 30+ happy independence day images. Please share this post and don't forget to read our other posts also

Happy Independence Day...!!!
